Paper Contractors Insurance

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We offer paper contractors insurance from multiple companies in Minnesota. Comparing your coverage with multiple companies save you time and money. Insurance companies define general contractors as paper contractors and working contractors. They are responsible for coordinating the job. Minnesota Paper contractors generally sub out 100% of the physical work.

Request for a QuoteWorking contractors are also involved in physical labor, and they might do 50% or the work and sub-contract the rest out. Rates are calculated using gross sales, owner and employee payroll, materials, and sub-contracted labor costs.

Paper contractor insurance CompanySome additions or endorsements can be added to the general liability insurance policy, and the most popular is an additional insured. General liability insurance protects your Minnesota contracting or developing business from lawsuits and other liabilities, accidents, and mishaps. Providing bodily injury and property damage coverage often served with a $1,000 or $2,500 property damage deductible. Common liability limits purchased are $1,000,000/$2,000,000. The $1,000,000 represents the occurrence limit. This means the most an insurance company will have paid for one claim. The $2,000,000 or second figure is the aggregate limit. This means the most an insurer will pay for in one policy year. Minnesota painter’s general liability insurance pays for bodily injury and property damage claims. Covering your premises, products, operation, and completed operations. For a more detailed definition, click here: General Liability Insurance

Let us shop multiple MN contractor carriers to find you the best quote for the coverage you need. We will make it easy; try us. Read our Bio, then request your quote. Complete our easy form to the right.  Give us a call at 952-222-8073. Let’s do business!

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